It could not be long that this would start all over again and while all the Rom in Germany are hiding their ethnicity thinking that that will save them this menace is on the march again.
Gypsies to be housed outside of Rome
By Stephen Brown
Rome will build four "solidarity villages" for gypsies outside the city, patrolled by police and equipped with welfare facilities, the government said on Friday, as part of a package of measures to allay concern about crime.
Gypsies - or Roma as they prefer to be known - from Italy and eastern Europe, and illegal immigrants, have been broadly accused in the Italian media of responsibility for a spate of violent crimes.
The media attention paid to the subject prompted one leftist cabinet minister to caution that the country that invented the Mafia should not be too quick to blame foreigners for crime.
City authorities have in the past tried to house Roma in settlements made of prefabricated material or in disused barracks, but many more Roma set up makeshift settlements by the river or beside motorways that local residents say are dens of criminality.
Attempts by Italy's previous conservative government to move them outside Rome's city limits met protests from human rights groups, but the current centre-left mayor, Walter Veltroni, said the new camps would give Roma better access to welfare.
"The new camps will be controlled by police, meaning local authorities will guarantee the camps get the resources they need," said Veltroni.
The European Roma Rights Centre told Reuters that "at first glance, segregating or building special facilities for Roma does not sound like a good idea at all."
"It sounds pretty much in line with what Italian authorities have been doing so far, like building camps around the country for Roma, or "nomads" as they call them," said Savelina Danova of the Budapest-based Centre, which has previously made legal complaints against Italy regarding housing for Roma.
City authorities will take three months to choose sites for the Roma villages and a further nine months to build them.
The security package will provide Rome with 200 more police officers and Milan, the northern city where locals led by the mayor have taken to the streets to protest against crime, with 600 more.
Milan also plans to install video cameras to check vehicle registration numbers and help police track criminals.
Interior Minister Giuliano Amato linked the "security pact", to be extended to other cities soon, to plans to boost social housing that Prime Minister Romano Prodi will detail next week.
"How are we supposed to help the Roma integrate if we don't have houses for them?" said Amato, who recently presented data showing immigrants were responsible for one third of the crimes in Italy while making up only four percent of the population.
Those “settlements” are nothing else but ghettos or concentration camps, by whichever name one might like to call them, and how long before there will be gates that are manned by police officers – and we must remember that most of Italy’s police are “Carabinieri” which are military police – and fence topped with razor wire and watch towers, if they will not be there to start with.
Italy is starting it and, we must also not forget that the “official Gypsy Sites” in the UK could also, under the guise of protecting the residents, be rather quickly converted into concentration camps of sorts (and who was the inventor of concentrations camps after all) and that may also be the reason that they will not allow Rom to create their own settlements. They want everyone to go into the ones that they, the powers that be, can control.
The incident in the Midlands where the Gypsy families were forced to sell the land and site they had set up to the council and then were asked back in as rent paying residents points to the fact that the governments want to control sites.
Italy is, as said, starting it. Italy, one of the founder members of the then European Economic Community which became the European Community and then the European Union. It is also most amazing that it is find when the government wishes to establish ghettos for Gypsies, for those settlements are nothing but; but when Gypsies want to establish their own settlements for their own People then they are told that that would be creating ghettos and cannot be allowed.
Gypsies of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your chains!
M V Smith, May 2007
Gypsy Union