“No Cold calling!” Areas. What to do?

More and more “no cold calling” areas appear all over the place here in the UK (and I assume other places are no different) making the obtaining of jobs, the “calling” (or manging, as the Sinti in Germany call it) a difficult undertaking but...

In the age of the personal computer, be this desktop or laptop/notebook and so-called desktop publishing (DTP) and mobile phones the fact of “No Cold Calling” areas does not need to stop and/or deter us from pursuing our business, say, as knife grinder. This may be different for those of us that actually wish to sell goods, such as pegs, wooden flowers, and such. But, maybe, it is time to sell those latter crafts via a different channel and outlet.

No one stops anyone, generally, from leafleting an area so, instead of knocking at doors, that is to say “cold calling”, all that is needed is a flyer or small brochure put thru the door, or even just a business card. Those too can be produced cheaply by means of desktop publishing. Should the recipient of such a flyer or brochure then be interested in the service(s) offered, then, hopefully, he/she will call and, as it is then “by arrangement” the business transaction is not one of “cold calling” and therefore no law has been breached and also no hawker's license is required.

As a final word I would like to say one important thing and that is that, in order to be able to continue plying our trade of whatever kind we must be honest in our dealings. Yes, honest even, if some would say, with the Gohja. We must remember that they ARE our customers and without their custom we could not follow our trades. Quality work given will result in more calls with the people calling you, the tradesman and no need for “cold calling” which may be illegal somewhere. Shamming does not make for great customer relations when people find out that has been done. Many of us, I am sure, know the tales of the churimengro who fakes just because a pair of garden shears that he has been given to sharpen by the owner is still sharp by using a bit of emery cloth to just make the edge (and blade shiny) as if it had been sharpened. No pair of shears is that sharp that a few strokes, done correctly, with a fine mill bastard file could not improve upon it. So, remember, “don't sham” and people will call you instead of you having to go out and find work.

© M Veshengro Smith, December 2006

N.B. The International Gypsy Union is prepared to advise and assist any Romani-Gypsy who would like to have such flyers and brochures designed and printed for his or her business. Please contact us via the website at http://gypsyunion.tripod.com.

Please note that you can also advertise your business on the blogs and websites and in the newsletters and magazines produced by us. Please contact the editor via the email link provided.