Time and again this theory is being banded about that the Romani People are a lost tribe of the Jewish people and, for reasons unknown, a fair number will flock to this idea. An idea that is as fake as Gypsy kings and queens and all that jazz. The Shero Rom, Rom Baro, Baro Rom, or Sherengro and the Puri Dai never were kings and queens, as in sovereign rulers. The Puri Dai was Puri Dai simply buy being the eldest female of the group, which the Sherengro and his like were elected by the heads of the households and could “rule” only for as long as they supported him. Oh dear, I digressed again. I am good at that, I know.
I have had many an argument with the proponents of this fake story as to Jewish origin who go as far as claiming that there are the obvious signs as Gypsies do not eat pork – doh? – and that all Gypsies have their boys circumcised – sorry, pardon, could you run that by me again, but slowly. Neither of those points are true. While circumcision for the boys is practiced among some groups of Roma the rest do not have, and never have had, this practice. And as to eating pork or not eating pork that is a total non-runner for starters for that is often the favored meat among the Rom, regardless of which group.
Regardless of the absence of any kosher rules – though we do have our own rules – this story is being warmed up again and again and the proponents of it will not be told otherwise. They know better and go also as far as claiming that the Indian “origin” is made up by “false prophets” and all one can do is give up – at least at times – and leave them be.
In some quarters of the Rom, however, this notion of the lost tribe of Judah is gaining serious traction and that is rather a shame, aside from the fact that it is outright false.
We, the Romani People, are a People in our own right and while we may have intermarried with Jews as much as with others of the non-Romani population – in some centuries we were not permitted to marry our own – the Rom are not a “lost tribe of Judah” and it is certainly not something that the “Illuminati” are hiding, as claimed by some proponents of this farce.
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